Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1st - Life is Beautiful

      These past couple of days have been interesting ones, it has been half-term so not as much going on around here. Sometimes it seems so busy with seeing people, meetings, study, other stuff that takes up space and time that it would seem almost impossible to have little ones running around. Other times like these last two days it would seem like the norm, like the way it should be. If you are a loyal reader of this blog you'll know that we continue to wait for our opportunity to have the little ones running around. Is waiting tough? Yes.  Are we in a place of peace? Yes. Do we so desire adopting? Yes, interesting that while I was sitting here Rebecca exclaimed that it is National Adoption month, isnt' that great there is such a thing.
     We went through the process of applying for a grant to cover some of the cost of the adoption, finding ones that we can actually apply for and meet the criterion is a job in itself. There is much help out there for families but most are for overseas adoption, or for special needs situations. Anyway we did apply and received the news today that we were not given any help by the organization, there are simply too many applicants and not enough money. Isn't that wonderful there are too many applications to wade through, unfortunatley there is not enough finance for each one. Compare that with a stat that Rebecca read the other day which said there were 60 newborn to 1 year olds adopted in the whole of the UK in 2011. Drink that in, that's 60 adopted in a country of nearly 70 million people. Last year in the UK 189,000+ abortions were carried out, while 60 adoptions of newborns to 1 year olds took place. Our fabulous agency in Indiana may have 10 in one month. That's one agency in one state in one month. Doesn't seem the same problem of too many applicants looking for help lies here. Actually they're certainly many wonderful families who would love to adopt, we know some ourselves. Their stories tend to revolve around difficulty within the system and a general lack of any expediency on the part of the system. Either side of the pond there are walls to climb over and roads to walk.
    As I sit here on my couch typing I am listening to the soundtrack to the film October Baby. If you have not heard of the movie is it based on two real- life situations where babies who were supposed to be aborted were actually born. While the movie is not a blockbuster, has it's flaws and is somewhat predictable it does tell and show the story of the power of life. Hannah the college freshman who was not supposed to be has much to offer, she is very talented and carries so much possibility within her. She has been brought up without knowing her past, and when she finds out some of the truth it rocks her. She has not been raised in an open adoption, rather it has been very closed to the point where she does not really know who she is. It is a film with tear-jerking moments, one to make you think and crackin soundtrack. Below is the track Life is Beautiful by the Afters, it is the title track of the film with some footage of the film.
      We are keen to engage with an open adoption, meaning one where the child is fully aware of their situation as being adopted, knowing their birth mother, father if all parties are up for that. This might be considered an odd arrangement but how great for the child to know the one who was willing to give birth and life. We of course look forward to raising that child, to seeing the possibility and destiny within their life. As I've written in previous blogs if you are someone who prays then please continue to do so for us, if you are not then I welcome to remember us or even give prayer a try, we certainly value any and all support from our friends and readers.