fri. am - Home is where we dwell, it's a place of comfort, it's a place of known. How often do you walk into a building attempting to grasp where is a toilet, or what floor is the office on? In a shopping mall or amusement park it might even take a map to figure it all out, where the exits are and the shops you are most interested in finding.
At home that's not true, it's known, you don't have to familiarise yourself with the surroundings. Today we drive back home, except on this occasion it will be different. There will be a room that is a new colour, it will have newly hung blinds, pics on the wall, two little beds ready for little girls.
For us going back home is a welcome occasion, we've had an amazing time in introductions, getting to see and understand routines, trips to appointments, to the shops, and out for fun to the park and even an aquarium. For Rebecca and I the drive home will be a time to reflect upon this week and certainly to look forward to the coming days, months and years. It dawned on me again yesterday while driving that we weren't babysitting for friends of ours, sure that's fun to do but this is so totally different.
looking at the glass above the doors of the girls room, thanks Aunty Lizzie :) |
fri. pm - Excitement to say the least hit us as we got closer to home, that final stretch seemed longer than normal somehow. Not only were we glad to get back to see Lizzie, Nooma, to unpack, catch our breath and we were also going to see the girls's bedroom. We had great reason to believe that it would be amazing, with Lizzie's, Louise's and Carol's talents all on display. Walking in the room was an experience to remember, seeing the decal of 1 Samuel 1:27 above the room, the multi-coloured painted hot air balloons and fluffy white clouds on the wall, along with bespoke fairy lights and bedding. It's a real dream-room for the girls to call their own and begin life here with us.
sat am. - Today has been all about last minute preparation. Whether it be putting a couple things in the loft, finding a home for this toy or that stuffed animal, putting up stair gates and safety locks on drawers. The home has been a hive of activity, all for two little lovely ladies. They are too are excited to be coming 'home' (they don't know it as home yet)
Imagine if you were going to a new home, one that was not known. If this was your third home this year, if you did not know the comforts where you presently live. For children in care they often are coming from difficult home situations where it doesn't feel like home, home is not where the heart is. In fact it is usually quite the opposite, it is a place of struggle, with bad or scary memories and associations. Home may not be seen as a place of comfort, fun and security, now imagine if you were coming into another new home.
sat pm. - Today they came home for the first time (cue tears), seeing their smiling faces when they recoginsed a toy or book was priceless. Hearing the excitement when they found a new toy or book. Again hearing and seeing the excitement as we all trailed upstairs to their room, their beds, their stuffed toys, their room in their home. They don't sleep here for a couple more nights, but soon enough a new home will be a new normal. Can't wait to see what the next couple of days has in store for us all, there will be no doubt be much more new whether that be the garden, park, nap time or bath time, Are we all blessed or what!