'They're my people', they sure are! Out of the mouth of babes as they say. The other day when we showed the girls a DVD of a church gathering and of our church family our oldest exclaimed after watching it 'they're my people'. Today was a highlight, a real monumental day for our family. At just a bit past ten we walked as a family into the hall where our Sunday morning church gathering was taking place. This is something that we have planned on doing a few weeks after having the girls, it's also something that we have hoped to do for years. In so many ways the girls being with Rebecca and I today at church was so much more than a family coming together to a meeting.
It was about realised hopes and dreams, ones that we have carried for many years and the church family have carried with us for close to three years. It's hard to believe that almost three years ago on a November morning where the meeting was given over to sharing thanksgiving that we 'broke' the news we were going to adopt. Little did we know that the news was more of an invitation to the church body to join our journey than just another announcement. We couldn't have predicted at the time how many ups and downs we'd walk through, but along the way they were there walking them with us.
Seeing the smiles on their faces was priceless; whether that be as the girls met new people, saw some friends they have made, dug into the toybox with a plethora of new playing options or when they joined in the sung worship waving flags. Seeing the smiles on their faces was priceless, as our friends met our daughters, as they danced together, played together. The huge grins as our youngest came up to me and said daddy while I was preaching, then put her arms up to be held. I had a point to make and then ask the tables to discuss. It was great timing as we could then hang out a bit before going back into the story.
Wouldn't you know it, I was once again preaching on Abraham, not the first time, and most certainly not the last. Speaking about how one of God's names is Jehovah Jireh meaning 'The Lord Will Provide'. Abraham knew this provision, he knew the promises of God, had waited and had seen the Lord come through time after time. This story was about how God provided the ram for a sacrifice after Abraham was willing to sacrifice his own son. Of course Abraham did not have to since God provided a ram instead, he knew all along that God would provide. Rebecca and I have experienced the provision of God time after time too, whether it be housing, finance or now the desire to adopt. The Bible speaks of putting the lonely in families, about family, having the little ones come unto Him. It is such a joy to see all of this happening before our very eyes. How exhilarating today to be holding our youngest as I carried on preaching from Genesis 22 until she was ready to move on and sit with somebody else.
We so look forward to many great times with our church family singing, learning Bible stories, doing crafts and enjoying time together. What a blessing they have been to stand with us and now to enjoy the fruits of their prayer and support. The title for this entry comes from our oldest who after watching a DVD we created showing some of the people and what a Sunday morning meeting was like said to Rebecca 'they're my people'. She was right, whether she really knew what she was saying or not, they are her people, we are all God's people and are so happy to have such a great church family to be called to be part of and lead.