It has been ages since I've blogged, not written but blogged. The goal of earlrebeccaera was never a family blog, a how to do family and what we did on the weekend kind of thing. Rather it was to be a place to honestly write about our adoption process, for me to process and to hopefully encourage many others around the world who are going through and have gone through the same kind of experiences. Somewhere along the way I had the idea of turning the blog into a book along with thoughts on family from the Bible.
I have worked much on this idea and at this point it is getting close to being realised. Is it the blog? not exactly there is some of the blog in it, some thoughts on what I had written along with stories of family from the Bible like Moses, Esther, Ruth to name a few, all characters who is some way were adopted. The book 'our road to adoption' still has a ways to go, chiefly a bulk of the editing process, but a cover is complete and many other decisions of how to market and where to buy it. It will be available on Amazon Kindle and hard copy so it can be purchased anywhere in the world. Below you'll see the cover, watch this space or my author page on facebook at
So please follow along at the above and be on the lookout for this title in the future.