He had a sweet jumpshot
does anybody know who he is? |
I've never gotten into Twitter, I have an account but I've never tweeted or taken time to read other peoples one line lives, guess I'd rather actually talk to them or at least keep up via facebook homepage. Anyway all that to say we have some good news concerning our trip to the States in February. A friend of ours in Goshen has spoken with her parents and they have kindly offered for us to stay in their house while they are in Florida for much of the month. They also have an extra car that is parked in the garage so we can use that too. We need to watch after the plants (this is a step of faith on their behalf) bring in the mail, and shovel the snow when it falls. We can handle that after all this is a pretty amazing news to us, having a place to stay all our own was our hope but not what we expected would happen. We have had another offer to stay with friends, all of this showing that deep down the timing is right for this trip, even though from the surface it may not look like the right time and space to be going through an adoption process.

So this entry was longer than 140 characters, I personally can't see how people keep their thoughts to such short statements.
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