It has been a little while since last blogging about our adoption process and a few excuses could be made for this lack of updating on our journey. We could say because we are busy so it has been really hard to find time to write, or that our computer has been in the shop now for 16 days, but these while true are not the real reason. The other night we watched a brand new TV show called 'Newsroom' (Aaron Sorkin's new show, it is fabulous you must check it out) and one of the main points was delivering of the news in a bright accurate, interesting and attention grabbing manner.

I think that is quite possible when dealing with headliners such as an earthquake, hostage situation, important election, kidnapping etc... but it is that feasible when there does not seem to be any news to bring. It's a bit like Seinfeld the show about nothing that was ultimately about relationship, reality of daily life and connected with so many because it wasn't big story after big story. That is the way that our adoption process has been going, not really any news to report, rather it is the reality of everyday life whether involved in a church focused activity, cutting the hedges, making dinner, playing LOTR Risk or playing the guitar. So while we have this huge aspect of our lives bubbling away in the background there is life being lived in the foreground.

In talking the other day I said it was like adoption was on our hearts but not on our minds. It's hard to gauge how true this actually is. Worry starts to creep in and the thoughts of 'is this for real' 'will we actually be chosen as parents' invade the mind and the resting place of waiting for His timing start to be eroded with our own stopwatch. It is accurate to say that adoption is in our hearts, we long for this to happen in our lives and for friends that we know who are going through the same type of processes to see their dreams realized through adoption. So going back to the news metaphor there really isn't any, doesn't make for the most excitng blog in the world does it? We continue to wait much like we had in previous months, although now maybe more seasoned and measured in our waiting. The old saying good things come to those who wait is accurate, and usually the waiting is an undisclosed amount of time.
If you are told you'll have to wait for 20 minutes until the table is ready in the restaurant you simply put your name in and either carry on shopping or chatting waiting for the call. If you go up the hostess and she would say your wait would be 5 1/2 hours nary would there be many who stay at that establishment especially if there were others available. But what if that were the only option (I know not an accurate representation of much of the world around us) and there were no other ways to get a meal 5 1/2 hours wouldn't seem so crazy amount of time to wait. We have been told to wait until chosen, whether that is 20 minutes or 5 1/2 hours we don't know, but we do know that having a little life in our care is worth the wait. Much like the Newsroom when there is breaking news we'll be there for you, but until that point we'll carry on delivering the news of waiting and our thoughts/feelings about this amazing journey which we've embarked upon.