What do you say to people or blog about when there is seemingly nothing new under the sun to blog about? Once again this past weekend we encountered a vast number of people, this time at the Sheepfair Festival here in Overton. When we run into many who know about our situation there is generally one question that comes up in conversation and it usually arises very quickly. Can you guess what it is? It is 'have you heard anything yet' and the response that we give of no we haven't usually puts a damper on the conversation. In life most things tend to move along at a quick pace whether it is seeking and finding a new job, or deciding to go back to uni and getting involved in the courses, or dating and realizing that he or she is your spouse to be. Of course life does not always move fast though, I know of plenty of people who have been out of work for an age and are still in that status. I've known some who would love to go back to university but can't based on either finance or their situation in life does not warrant that type of commitment. What about the person who seeks a spouse for years and years without this dream becoming reality. Facing a situation that you so desperately would like to see changed but knowing that there is next to nothing you can do to change it is not an easy task. In our case the reality is that we have done all a perspective parent can do, we've done the training, created our profile, been through the rigours of interviews and so on. As I've blogged about in the past we have chosen to adopt, but we cannot adopt a child until we are chosen.
Does it get tiring answering the same set of questions? Sure it does. This past weekend Rebecca and I were once again reflecting on life, it is good to do that from time to time, and she discovered that this part of our journey is precisely for us as well.

More than once we've compared ourselves to Abraham and Sarah in the Bible, we didn't leave our land to an unknown land rather one that we knew where we were going. What all we would face in that new land we were quite unclear about, but we did expect a level of safety that Abraham and Sarah probably most certainly did not have. One of the more important or well known facts of their lives was their hearing of God that Abraham would be a father to a nation, a father to the number of stars in the skies. Being childless meant that this prophecy was quite impossible, but alas the Lord had other plans in place. After a waiting period of some 24 years Abraham and Sarah did have a child, well past the time when she should have been able to give birth. Their faith was no doubt tested and grown through this extended waiting period, now we have not been waiting for nearly that long. In fact since being approved it has been about 4 months while they waited 288 months so we've put in 1/72 of the amount of time that they waited. I suppose in that perspective we have much faith to grow. It is true that the best things in life are usually worth waiting for.
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