Admittedly it has been a while since last blogging, for that I'm sorry. I have been doing much writing but not on the blog, drumming up content has not been easy. It seems like a broken record being played when the only news you have is not having news. Saying 'no we haven't heard anything' does get old and it gets deflating. But we have so many great friends here and there who are so careful not to ask us too often and they truly want to know the latest but not by putting us in difficult spots. For this I am so happy, would I like, no love, no be ecstatic to scream from the hilltops that we have news of course, but in the land between we are well cared for by those who love us. This phrase land between seems to make a bunch of sense right now for us, we're somewhere in the process of waiting, we've finished the practical on one end and have loads of practical on the other end. This is a bit like being in the middle of walking across a wood suspension bridge or an open highway near no gas stations with hardly any signs, you don't have any choice but to keep walking or driving.

Is it a comfortable place, no in a word, but then again we don't call the shots. If moving to England and leaving what was so known to us has done anything it has taught us faith, faith at a different level. If joining the adoption process has taught us anything it's faith and at a higher level. The last entry was about Abraham, and it's not a shock that his story comes up constantly, whether it be a prayer meeting, conversation, magazine article you name it. His journey taught him and his family much but I'm sure that a greater level of faith was lesson number one.
If there is a concern that i have with the blog is that it will turn into a public place to moan, that's not the desire. Rather it is a blank page and forum for thoughts and for invitation for you our readers to join us in prayer. If you know us well you'll know what to pray, you don't have to tell us you are, just let them rise. If you happened across the blog then we welcome prayer for a reassurance of God's timing, His hand at work in the adoption process and faith to rise within us. Thank you all for your care and prayer.
Love you guys! You are already beautiful parents!