Tuesday, April 17, 2012


April 17th - Is no gnus good gnus?

     This is a question that I have been asking myself, maybe not these exact words but the bigger idea 'is no news good news?'
As far as our adoption process has been going there has not been much if any news in the last couple of weeks. Is that a welcomed break for us, or is that something that we should get frustrated about? There are many questions with this adventure and one of the biggest if not the biggest is around timing and frequency of information. It's not as if there has been nothing happening in our lives, we have come back to this fair land for 5 weeks now and in that space have moved out of and into a new house. That has been an undertaking and we can see that it has been the grace of God to not have a trip back to Indiana for adoption reasons during this ultra-busy time in our lives.
     We have had what could be a small piece of good news as we've found a charity that gives adoption grants to parents who are adopting newborns from the US. Many of the grants that are out there only service either international or older children adoption. The other way that they kick in is by matching what the parents/church raise individually. We have decided that doing personal fundraising is not the way forward for us in this process. It would be fantastic though to receive some grant money for this purpose, so the plan is to do the paperwork on our next day off and hopefully get it all submitted in time for the 30th April deadline. There is plenty to do with it, but to be honest not rivaling the amount in the applications and actual adoption prep paperwork, so we should be able to handle it.
      Back to the question of news and the frequency with which it arrives. In some respects it is easier to have space and not have new possibilities swirling about because if your hopes aren't raised they cannot be dashed either. With that being said though we have really enjoyed hearing about a couple of situations that we might be suited for, and it's in those times when hopes raise very quickly. If I had  nickel for the number of times I've thought 'if we were planning a trip to the USA now it would be so difficult' then I could probably buy a can of coke or something similar. We have been given grace for this time, this time of not having much news and not having to change our lives dramatically at this point. So I suppose that for now no gnus is good gnus, but when other news comes we'll be excited you can be sure.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting is so hard sometimes. But I have been reminded this week, as I am walking through an interview/hiring process, that even when it seems that nothing is happening, God is still working behind the scenes, lining things up to happen at just the right time and in accordance with His perfect will. Just like I KNOW that He has a job for me, I KNOW that He already knows who your child is and has a perfect plan for bringing you all together as a family as just the right time. Blessings to you as you persevere and stand firm in His promises while you wait.
