Wednesday, December 7, 2011


December 7th - A tale of two countries and one big pond

When you are growing up you probably dream of living in another country than where you are from. For us that was not really the case as both Rebecca and I expected we'd live in the US, since marriage we expected to stay in Indiana in all likelihood. Living in a quaint English village was not on our minds and some of that changed back when we came to England to go to Bible college but even that was for a short stint of 10 months. In that 10 months we did get know many wonderful here and were invited back to lead West Church. This was not how we expected life to roll out but how often are our expectations the reality of the actual events? So here we are a couple who has in some respects two separate worlds where we have such deep relationships, it is one world but we're spread out over two countries and separated by a large ocean. One of the coolest things about the blog so far has been the stats feature which allow us the writers to see how much it has been viewed and even more interestingly where it's been viewed from.
     Seeing that we've only lived in the UK for the last 3 years and then most of a year at KBC we anticipated our viewers to be mostly those in the US but the stats show that so far there is only a 50 page view difference with the US ahead. We don't know who the 9 page views from Russia are, but that's cool to have viewers there anyhow. I write this entry simply to say what blessed people we are to have so many friends dotted around the world and to have two huge groups of friends in the locations where we have lived.
     So here we are going through this portion of the process from this side of the pond and soon to be on the other side of the pond. It is times like these when you can stop take a step back and see how much blessing we actually have. To have the wonderful opportunity to do what we are doing and having so many that are near to us be a part. We understand that is a blessing to have so many who care for us, who have had so much fun with over the years, who we have worked, worshipped, traveled and spent time with, blessings to you all. We also so look forward to sharing more about our adoption with you and of course down the road when there is an addition to our family.

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