Monday, July 8, 2013


But Rebecca - July 7th

     When we are struggling or have questions or are confused about life, friends are amazing, they can encourage and help us have strength for whatever life is throwing our way.  I am so blessed by the many friends that I have, friends here in England who have become like family even though I have know them for only a handful of years and friends who I have known nearly a lifetime back in Indiana who are so precious to me especially as our times together are often not as long as we would like them to be. There is one friend though that is different than all of my other friends.  He is my friend who sticks closer than a brother, who I can always count on, and will never, ever let me down.  Jesus has seen me through thick and thin and been with me in Indiana, England, and everywhere life has taken me.
     Earl mentioned in his last post about a life-changing word that we received the night of May 2nd and it actually involves both kinds of friends that I have mentioned.  I went to bed that evening still feeling a bit unsettled, my "what ifs?" still lingered deep within my heart even though I wanted to shut them down.  I just decided I need to trust God that He would put my fears to rest but that is not always easy to do!  I woke up in the middle of the night that night and as it was still dark thought I would look at my phone to see what time it was.  I think it was 4:00 in the morning or something like that but I more importantly I realised that a text had come after I had gone to bed.   The text was from a dear friend and it said something like this, "while I was praying for you the other I day, I felt God say, for all your whys and what ifs? there is always But God."
     That did it for me really, Jesus, my friend who sticks closer than a brother heard my words and worries of 'what ifs' and spoke to my friend who was able to encourage me.  Those words to me were and are really powerful and God has really cemented something in my heart.  As we have had other interesting twists and turns in life since the night of May 2nd I have always had in the back of my mind, no matter what Rebecca, remember But God!  He is here, He will get me through, He loves me and will help me.  As my mom always says at the end of every conversation, Praise the Lord!  He knows what we need right when we need it!

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