Thursday, April 17, 2014


Long Awaited...Seal of Approval - April 17th

4:17 pm Thursday afternoon, THE PHONE CALL came, we've been ready by the mobile now for 4 weeks, since the 19th of March. On the other end of Rebecca's mobile was our social worker, she had good news, no great news, make that THE NEWS we've been eagerly awaiting and praying for.

This is the seal of approval, we have been officially approved to adopt here in the UK, that part of this arduous journey has come to completion. As I have told friends this process is like the Tour De France, it's one leg after another of a race, each one different and each one extremely intense. This last stretch was like we could see the finish line but for some reason could not cross the tape. That tape has been crossed, that part of this journey has been passed, we now move forward.

Feel free to tell anyone and everyone about this news, have your friends check out the blog, and when you get the time enjoy the back story of the last two months.

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