Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Waiting for take-off - 20th May

     They say the best things in life are worth waiting for, if this is accurate then we have quite a cupboard full of best things. It feels as though we have had many opportunties to wait (I totally recognise that almost everyone does and could pen a blog about their life situations), whether that be for a sign-off on paperwork, the visa application which was at a stand-still or for the right house to be available to be able to move to. So when we found out that we'd be waiting for our meeting with visiting social workers for about a month longer than originally expected we were both gutted and prepared at the same time.

     Last week we broke the great news that we are being visited by social workers of a sibling group. This is going to happen but it is going to be in mid-June rather than this week. We found out the news on an email whilst waiting to check out from ASDA just after we'd created a to do list for the visit this week. Was it difficult? Yes. Did we see some real positives? Yes, firstly our social worker can be present at the meeting, we have more time to prepare, we are able to do the requested date so no diary shuffling is needed.
TBH having that meeting this week would have been extremely quick, maybe we are used to moving at a snail's pace, but when I looked back at my prayer journal from last Tuesday morning the sibling's we are interested in weren't even in my journal. That was only a week ago, goes to show how fast aspects of this process can move.

     We'll keep you all up to date with the proceedings, although there may not be much to say as we are back in a holding pattern.  It feels like we are on the tarmac and have been told that we can taxi to the runway for take-off but must wait for clearance from the tower before rolling down the runway and lifting off. To take the analogy further the engines are humming, the tray-tables are up, all baggage is safely stowed in over head cabins, seat belts are on and we are simply awaiting the roar of the engine as it picks up enough ground speed to hit the air. If you've flown you know the anticipation and excitement that hits when the plane takes that turn, there is no other plane ahead and thrust of the machine puts you straight back in your seat. We are in that anticipating position.

1 comment:

  1. Ok God, I know you know what's best. Give Earl and Rebecca lots of joy during this month of waiting!
