Thursday, May 15, 2014


We are expecting a visitor :) - May 15th

If you can picture it I was at the gym working out on the elyptical  machine, about halfway through my warmup exercise, and then a tap on the shoulder. It took me by surprise as I had headphones in and was rockin out to some tunes while running along. Anyway it was an employee asking if I was Earl and if so that I had a phone call waiting at the front desk. Now if you have ever had this type of call you'll  know it is one of two things - 1. Amazing news that simply could not wait or 2. Awful news that simply could not wait. Which was this rolled through my mind as I left the machine and quickly made my way to the front desk downstairs.

I knew that it was Rebecca and from the tone of her voice I'd know the answer as to whether this was 1. or 2. It didn't take Sherlock to figure out it was AMAZING NEWS, the kind that you do stop, thank the Lord, scream it from the mountaintops and then attempt to take it all in.

On Monday we were sent yet another profile, we have had more than we probably expected, and have been interested in a quite a few. As I told some friends only one of the profiles will be describing our future child or children. While they all tug at our heartstrings we can't adopt all of them, in fact only one or two at the most. One of the profiles of a sibling pair late on Monday did pique our interest and as protocol we emailed our contact at the agency to ask for more information (a CPR which is the detailed report about the child/children) The CPR's don't always come back quickly, some we have asked for we've never seen in our inbox, this is most likely because the social worker is unavailable or that child/children is already matched to another waiting adopter.

Well this requested CPR did come back, on Tuesday it was in our possession, it came in the evening so I took advantage of having a free night (my meeting was cancelled) and we sat down to dig into another detailed profile. After finishing reading and talking about it an hour and a half later we thought that we;d ask to have this go to the next step. The next step is stating that we would like to have our names put forward as a potential matching couple. At this point it is again out of our hands, our agency worker attempts to contact the social worker and let them know of our interest. Now we have gone this far with two other profiles and both times it came back that the social worker did not choose to see us.

This is where yesterday's phone call comes into play, at 12:15 an email came through stating that the social worker would like to meet with us, and if it works can that be next week. TBH these things do not usually move that fast, but it works for us and them, so it's on. If you are somone who prays and lifts us up please do as we have the opportunity to sit down and ask questions, share about ourselves, our hopes/dreams and see if there is a link and connection. Watch this space, when there is more news you'll be aware:) 

Check out this beautiful song called 'Waiting Here for You' it is one that has really spoken to my heart, I love to play it with the youth worship band.


  1. we are praying and sending our love. Can't wait to see you both at the weekend xxx
